New Zealand - Leyland Trucks
- Leylands are Built for Loads.
- This big meat-wagon is designed for safe and sure transport of big loads. Under reasonable conditions, Leylands can operate at nearly a quarter the cost of horsed haulage on a ton-mile basis.
- Circa 1920
- Unknown Photographer
- 'Leyland Lorries for New Zealand Roads' Sales Booklet
- British Motor Lorries and Steam Wagons
- Proved in the severest tests of actual War Service during five strenuous years, the Leyland has consolidated its supreme position by its thorough British dependability.
- The Leyland of to-day embodies every improvement suggested by world-wide use during many years. No other lorry offers such a measure of efficiency and durability as the Leyland.
- Leylands have been serving New Zealand owners since before the war; now fresh supplies are constantly arriving, and the N.Z. Branch of Leylands ensures that unrivalled service is offered to Leyland owners.
- The Leyland New Zealand Branch is equipped with all spare parts for all models, and is staffed with expert mechanics trained in the Leyland works. The Branch is at present installed at The Maritime Building, Wellington; but plans are now prepared for a 5-storey Leyland Building, to be erected on Lambton Quay, Wellington - a hundred yards from the Government Buildings.
- Leyland Motors, Limited
- Maritime Building, Wellington