New Zealand - Business premises on the corner of Campbell Road and Mt Smart Road, Royal Oak, Auckland
- View of the building on the corner of Mt Smart Road and Campbell Road, Royal Oak. The Royal Oak Pharmacy and a post office occupy the downstairs areas and J E Butler, dental surgeon, has rooms upstairs. Two men can be seen in a doorway (one is a postman) and there are two bicycles nearby. A house and cart can be seen on the road to the right. Auckland Star and NZ Herald signs can be seen. The building at the back with a chimney is the original Royal Oak hotel built in 1853.
- Photograph taken by William A Price
- Early 1900s
Royal Oak
- A small suburb of Auckland
- Situated between the suburbs of Epsom (north) and Onehunga (south)
- Under the local governance of the Auckland Council
- The population was 5,562 in the 2013 Census
(Reference: Wikipedia)
Image source: Business premises on the corner of Campbell Road and Mt Smart Road, Royal Oak, Auckland. Price, William Archer, 1866-1948 :Collection of post card negatives. Ref: 1/2-001197-G. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Image Capture: Jan 2020 ©2020 Google,174.7764263,3a,75y,110.34h,97.77t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sM7LpkB70hmCShjRx-xUr7w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 #thenandnow #royaloak