New Zealand - Auckland
- Glen Eden Intermediate School
- Room 23
- 1985
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Glen Eden Intermediate School
- (G.E.I.S) is a state Co-Educational Intermediate school located in the suburb of Kaurilands in Auckland
- The school was originally divided into eight syndicates, all named after New Zealand trees, each with four classrooms (except the "Manuka" syndicate which held five), but in 2010, it was replaced with four "mini schools."
- The "mini schools" Te Henga, Karekare, Muriwai and Piha, are all named after local West Coast beaches and each has eight classes
- In 2001 the school opened a technology block which now teaches one mini-school every day and has eight classes: Food Technology, Design Technology, Sound Arts, Dramatic Arts, Visual Arts, Hard Materials, Textiles Technology, and Video Production
- The Video Production room is also the headquarters of "Cactus", the school's daily TV show which only broadcasts throughout the school
- The school previously had a radio station, T.N.T (Totally Not Television) which opened in 2010 but is longer active
- First opened in 1961
(Reference: Wikipedia) #gleneden #school