New Zealand - Tauranga
- Tauranga Boys College
- Form 6E8
- 1982
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Tauranga Boys College
- Tauranga Boys' College is a state secondary school for boys, located on the edge of the downtown area of Tauranga
- The school was founded in 1946 as Tauranga College, before overcrowding saw the school become single-sex in 1958
- Secondary education in Tauranga began in 1900, with the establishment of a district high school joined with Tauranga School. By the mid-1930s, the buildings were inadequate for use, and a push for a separate secondary school began. In 1937, the education board purchased the motor camp "Hillsdene", originally one of the 10-acre blocks laid out after the Battle of Gate P??. However, World War II delayed building on the site until 1944. After two years of building, Tauranga College was opened on 5 February 1946
- The college seeks to honour the past in creating the future. This includes honours boards recognising top scholars and New Zealand representative sportsmen, the naming of buildings after former principals and assorted trees and memorials for World War II victims and students who died whilst enrolled #tauranga #school