New Zealand - Gisborne
- Lytton High School
- Form 3
- 1983
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Lytton High School
- Established 1961
- It was decided that the school be named 'Lytton', thus identifying it with Lytton Road where the school was to be situated
- Building of the school commenced in May 1960 and in June of that year, Mr J. C. Wilson was appointed principal
- Like most New Zealand state secondary schools of the era, Lytton High School was constructed to the Nelson Two-Storey standard plan, characterised by its two-storey H-shaped classroom blocks. In 1963, after the construction of a second classroom block, it was decided the two-storey blocks should be given the Maori names of local mountains Hikurangi and Arowhana
- The school crest was designed by Mr G. T. Griffiths, secretary of the High School Board, who presented it to the school in 1961 on the occasion of the first school assembly. It depicts a lion rampant, which represents "courage and readiness for action" #gisborne #school