New Zealand - Napier
- Taradale High School
- 3GS
- 1995
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Taradale High School
- Taradale High School (THS), is a co-educational secondary school situated in the town of Taradale in Hawkes Bay
- The school was originally constructed to the Nelson Two-Storey standard plan, like most New Zealand secondary schools built in the 1960s
- The school opened on 3 February 1970, although some of the buildings were not yet complete or painted, and the playing fields were bare earth with stones and rocks
- The opening ceremony was not held until 17 July 1970, and the Minister of Education, Brian Talboys, was unable to attend and a replacement speaker was hastily organised. Of the original ten staff members, four left during the first year
- Despite these problems, the school presented a concert involving every class at the end of the second term, and a basketball marathon set an endurance record for the Guinness Book of Records. The school magazine, then called Teamhar Leabhar (Gaelic for The Book of Tara), published its first issue #napier #school