New Zealand - Dargaville
- Dargaville Primary School
- Room 13
- 1968
Photo Courtesy of Lynette McClatchy
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- The town was named after timber merchant and politician Joseph Dargaville (1837?�?1896). Founded during the 19th-century kauri gum and timber trade, it briefly had New Zealand's largest population.
- The area became known for a thriving industry that included gum digging and kauri logging, which was based mainly at Te Kopuru, several kilometres south of Dargaville on the banks of the Northern Wairoa river. The river was used to transport the huge logs downstream to shipbuilders and as a primary means of transport to Auckland. Dalmatian migrants were particularly prominent in the kauri gum extraction.
- Te Houhanga Marae and R?hiri meeting house is a traditional meeting place for Te Roroa and the Ng?ti Wh?tua hap? of Te Kuihi and Te Roroa.
(source - #dargaville #school