New Zealand - Taupo
- Terraces Hotel
- Onekeneke
- 1915 period
- Frank Duncan Photo
- Photo Postcard Format
Lake Taupo
- A lake in the North Island
- In the caldera of the Taupo Volcano
- A surface area: 616 square kilometres
- The largest lake by surface area in New Zealand
- The second largest freshwater lake by surface area in geopolitical Oceania after Lake Murray in Papua New Guinea
- A town on the shore of Lake Taupo
- The seat of the Taupo District Council and lies in the southern Waikato Region
- Has a population of 23,900 (June 2019)
- In 1953, Taupo was officially constituted as a borough
- The 20th largest urban area in New Zealand
- The second-largest in the Waikato Region
Reference: Wikipedia #taupo