New Zealand - Cambridge
- Cambridge High School
- Form 3PR
- 1984
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Cambridge High School
- Established in 1883 (closed 1887 between 1902)
- School motto is "Fortiter et recte" (to have the strength to do the right thing)
- Cambridge is a town in the Waipa District of the Waikato Region of the North Island of New Zealand.
- Prior to the arrival of Europeans there were a number of Maori pin the vicinity of what would become Cambridge. In the 1850s missionaries and farmers from Britain settled in the area and introduced modern farming practices to local Maori, helping them set up two flour mills and importing grinding wheels from England and France.
- The European town of Cambridge was established when the 3rd Regiment of the Waikato Militia were settled there in 1864 following the Invasion of the Waikato. The town was named after Prince George, Duke of Cambridge, the Commander-in-Chief of the British Army at the time. #cambridge #school