New Zealand - New Zealand at War
- "New Zealand at War" is a living archive to record the history of New Zealand and New Zealander's who served their country at times of conflict and war. To those who fought to protect what they believed in or those who fought for their King and Queen or country, to those who sacrificed so much so that New Zealand may be what it is today.
- We welcome our members and users to contribute items in a digital nature that will help to complete the story of "New Zealand at War" and the participation of individual New Zealander's who served their country, to create a collection of importance that can be shared with all that are interested.
- It allows us all to share with other passionate people the items we own without giving up ownership to create a public collection. The Archive is living, because it continues to grow, to build and to tell a story for us all to follow.
- MAD on New Zealand - Memories Start Here
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