New Zealand - Stock Sale Yards
- Possibly Stortford Lodge Sale Yards, corner of Maraekakaho Road and Southampton Street, Hastings
Sheep farming
- Established by the 1850s
- Has played an important role in New Zealand’s economic history
- For several decades wool accounted for more than a third of New Zealand’s exports by value.
- Following the first export shipment of frozen meat in 1882 (see 15 February), sheep meat became a significant source of revenue as New Zealand forged a role as Britain’s farmyard.
- For many, sheep symbolise New Zealand as a nation.
- The sheep population peaked at just over 70 million in 1982.
- By 2018 numbers had dropped to 27 million, after profits declined compared to other types of farming, notably dairying.
Image source: Stock Sale Yards
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