New Zealand - Hauraki Mine
- Coromandel
- Gold Mine
- 1909
- Photo Postcard Format
The Hauraki Gold Mining Company
- Registered in London in late 1894 to take over several old claims covering the hill between Coromandel town and McGregor Bay
- Also controlled leases in the Kapanga and Tokatea areas, north-east of Coromandel, with the Scotty and Royal Oak mines respectively the centre of attention for the company in these areas in the late 1890's.
- Like all the companies which came before and after it, rich specimen stone was found in the upper levels, however these patches never went to any extent, and gold at depth was poor.
- However, it did provide material to display, and generate investment capital.
- The company was more successful than most at Coromandel, but again only lasted a few years as the general poor grades of the ore could not keep pace with expenses.
Mining - gold
- The principal New Zealand goldfields were Coromandel, Nelson/Marlborough, Central Otago and West Coast
- The two main types of gold mine were: 'hard rock' quartz mines, and
alluvial mining which included panning and cradling, sluicing and dredging.
- Considerable prospecting and mining was done during the 1930s depression by people who would otherwise have been unemployed.
- Many of DOC’s managed historic hut sites date to this era.
Reference: read more at,and%20cradling%2C%20sluicing%20and%20dredging.