New Zealand - Timber Industry
- View of men sawing through a Kauri tree
- 1930
- Collins, Tudor Washington photographer
The value of all forestry exports (logs, chips, sawn timber, panels and paper products)
- $NZ 3.62 billion for the year ended 31 March 2006
- $NZ 5 billion in 2018
- Australia accounts for just over 25% of export value, mostly paper products, followed by Japan, South Korea, China and the United States.
- In 2018, wood products were New Zealand's third-biggest export
- Forestry accounted for approximately 3% of national GDP
- Directly employing 20,000 people
(Reference: Wikipedia)
Image source: [View of men sawing through a Kauri tree],Collins, Tudor Washington, 1898-1970, photographer,PH-2013-7-TC-B1774-01