New Zealand - Auckland
- Parnell Road
- 1974
- Ngāti Whātua occupied the Parnell area prior to European settlement. The Government acquired the area from Ngāti Whātua as part of a 3,000-acre land deal in 1840.
- Robert Tod purchased 3 acres from the Government on 1 September 1841. He quickly subdivided it into 36 sections, which he advertised for sale on 4 September 1841 as the "Village of Parnell". In the early 1830s Tod had supplied copies of the Bible to a Plymouth Brethren mission in Baghdad, one of whose members was John Vesey Parnell. Streets in the village of Parnell were named Groves, Cronin and Calman after other missionaries to Baghdad, Anthony Norris Groves, Edward Cronin and Erasmus Scott Calman. These were later renamed Eglon, Fox and Marston Streets.
- The Borough of Parnell, established in 1877, was amalgamated into the Auckland City Council area in 1913 or 1915. The Parnell Road Board administered the area before the Borough was established.
(source -,_New_Zealand)
Image Source: Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 1727-067
Photographer: Williams, Basil
Attribution CC BY
Image Capture: Apr 2021 ©2020 Google,174.7802564,3a,50.8y,159.58h,96.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siYJvgXqwIygJr4k5g9VwKA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192