New Zealand - Auckland
- Looking south east across the junction of Myers Street (forground), Queen Street (left to right, middle), Rutland Street (left, centre), Wakefield Street (centre to left) and Grey Street
Auckland Town Hall
- A historic building on Queen Street in the Auckland CBD
- Known both for its original and ongoing use for administrative functions
- Auckland Town Hall and its surrounding context is highly protected as a 'Category A' heritage site in the Auckland District Plan.
- A city in the North Island
- The most populous urban area in the country
- Has an urban population of about 1,570,100 (2018)
- Located in the Auckland Region—the area governed by Auckland Council
- A diverse, multicultural and cosmopolitan city
- Home to the largest Polynesian population in the world
- The Māori-language name for Auckland is Tāmaki Makaurau, meaning "Tāmaki desired by many", in reference to the desirability of its natural resources and geography
Reference: Wikipedia
Image source: Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 1370-28-14
Image Capture: Apr 2021 ©2020 Google,174.7639894,3a,73.4y,161.64h,101.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssPzR07ZREcvUgC7OJ2CiCQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192