New Zealand - Whakatane
- Bay of Plenty Region
- 22 May 1958
- Whites Aviation Photo
- A town in the eastern Bay of Plenty Region
- 90 km east of Tauranga and 89 km north-east of Rotorua
- Urban population of 19,750 (New Zealand's 24th largest urban area)
- The Bay of Plenty's third largest urban area
- Whakatane District was created in 1976
- Māori pā sites in the area date back to the first Polynesian settlements
- According to Māori tradition Toi-te-huatahi landed at Whakatane about 1150 CE in search of his grandson Whatonga.
- Failing to find Whatonga, he settled in the locality and built a pa on the highest point of the headland now called Whakatane Heads.
- Some 200 years later the Mataatua waka landed at Whakatane.
(Reference: Wikipedia)
Image source: Whakatane, Bay of Plenty Region. Whites Aviation Ltd: Photographs. Ref: WA-46577. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/32055233