New Zealand - Waipawa
- Tar sealing road at Waipawa with tractor and tar machines
- The second-largest town in Central Hawke's Bay
- Has a population of 2,170 (June 2019)
- Located 7 kilometres northeast of Waipukurau
- Settled in the early 1860s
- The Settler's Museum exhibits many of these historical collections.
- Originally called Abbotsford
- Waipawa has two marae affiliated with the iwi of Ngāti Kahungunu.
- The Mataweka Marae and Nohomaiterangi meeting house are affiliated with the hapū of Ngāi Toroiwaho and Ngāti Whatuiāpiti.
(Reference: Wikipedia)
Image source: Waipawa Road Tar Sealing
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