New Zealand - Nelson
- Street scene
- 1937
- Garlick, Una Photo
- Settlement of Nelson began about 700 years ago by Māori. There is evidence the earliest settlements in New Zealand are around the Nelson-Marlborough regions. The earliest recorded iwi in the Nelson district are the Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Tūmatakōkiri, Ngāti Apa and Rangitāne tribes.
- Raids from northern tribes in the 1820s, led by Te Rauparaha and his Ngāti Toa, soon decimated the local population and quickly displaced them.
(source -,_New_Zealand)
Image source: [Street scene - Nelson Region],Garlick, Una (Eunice Harriett), 1883-1951,1937,PH-1955-1-13944