New Zealand - Nelson
- Hardy Street
- Commercial Hotel
- F N Jones photo
- Real Photo format
Nelson Facts & Figures
- In 2013 there were 5,622 businesses with 24,940 employees in Nelson and 6,446 businesses with 18,950 employees in Tasman.
- The main industries providing employment in Nelson were healthcare and social assistance, retail trade and manufacturing.
- Nelson’s population increased by 8 percent between 2006 and 2013 and Tasman’s population increased 6 percent.
- The total population for New Zealand also increased by 5 percent over the same period.
- By 2031, Nelson’s population is projected to be 51,200 and Tasman’s will be 53,900.
- Settlement of Nelson began about 700 years ago by Māori.
- There is evidence the earliest settlements in New Zealand are around the Nelson-Marlborough regions.
- The earliest recorded iwi in the Nelson district are the Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Tūmatakōkiri, Ngāti Apa and Rangitāne tribes.
- Raids from northern tribes in the 1820s, led by Te Rauparaha and his Ngāti Toa, soon decimated the local population and quickly displaced them.
(Reference: Wikipedia)