New Zealand - Devonport
- Esplanade Hotel
- 1930
- Photographer Unknown
- A harbourside suburb of Auckland
- Located on the North Shore
- The population of Devonport and the adjoining suburb of Cheltenham was 5,340 (2013 census)
- Around 40,000 years ago Devonport consisted of three islands of volcanic origin, Mount Victoria, North Head and between them Mount Cambria.
- Devonport had a local government called Devonport Borough Council, which started in 1886.
- The Devonport is a popular destination for tourists and Aucklanders.
(Reference: Wikipedia)
Image source: Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections T5509
Image capture: Nov 2019 ©2020 Google,+Devonport,+Auckland+0624/@-36.8319607,174.7969572,3a,75y,293.95h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sTF4tkycLPrIutZGYOuqi_w!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x6d0d37dd02841325:0x15326ae7c1e47278!8m2!3d-36.8318858!4d174.7966969