New Zealand - Taihape
- A street scene of Taihape.
- 1910 - 1920 Period
- F. G. R.
- Real Photo Postcard Format
- Taihape is located in the Rangitikei district of the Manawatu - Wanganui Region.
- The town was founded in 1894, when European settlers arrived from Canterbury in the South Island
- The town was first called Hautapu after the local river, then Otaihape ("the place of Tai the Hunchback"), and finally Taihape.
- Taihape is home of the annual Gumboot Day, first celebrated on 9 April 1985.
Image Capture: Jun 2019 ©2020 Google,175.7982127,3a,63.7y,158.22h,95.67t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sec4G2Zp5dtqtodPPrIWKeQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192