New Zealand - Auckland
- A Three Kings tram rounds the corner in Mount Eden Road by Ngauruhoe Street after passing through the Mount Eden shopping centre. The tracks were beginning to show the lack of maintainence since the Second World War. The Mount Eden Post Office with the old public telephone box is in the foreground.
Around Auckland by Tram in the 1950s
- A unique photographic portfolio of Auckland as it was in the 1950s - the trams, the people, the suburbs, the streets, the shops and the advertising of the period. When the last trams were bade farewell in December 1956, suburbia was still confined mainly to the tram routes. At each terminus a cluster of small shops - a dairy, a butcher, a grocery, a hairdresser tobacconist, a chemist and a magazine shop - beyond the terminus a scattering of houses and paddocks.
Author: Stewart, Graham
ISBN: 1869340531
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