New Zealand - Palmerston North
- Looking along The Square towards the Post Office
- Tourist Series Photo
Palmerston North
- A city in the North Island
- Located in the eastern Manawatu Plains
- Near the north bank of the Manawatu River
- Early Palmerston North relied on public works and sawmilling.
- The west coast railway was built in 1886, linking the town to Wellington
- Palmerston North benefited from a booming pastoral farming industry.
- Popular attractions include Te Manawa and several performing arts
(Reference: Wikipedia)
Image source: Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 35-R1062
Image Capture: Jul 2020 ©2020 Google,175.6121781,3a,75y,10.64h,100.68t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stxnmkaJiiPDkIVYoNIPXAQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192