New Zealand - Feilding
- Manchester Street looking south-west
- Looking from Aorangi Street towards the centre of town. Community centre on left
- A town in the Manawatu District
- Located 20 kilometres north of Palmerston North
- The seat of the Manawatu District Council.
- Won the annual New Zealand's Most Beautiful Town award 16 times
- An Edwardian-themed town
- A service town for the surrounding farming district
- The Feilding Saleyards have been a vital part of the Manawatu community for over 125 years.
(Reference: Wikipedia)
Image source: Manchester Street looking south-west – Unknown
Attribution + NonCommercial + NoDerivatives
Image Capture: Dec 2019 ©2021 Google,175.5648022,3a,49y,150.98h,97.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGVfVvAPWDhg-7hcFgTAJtQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192