New Zealand - Morrinsville
- Thames Street showing Bank of N.Z. on extreme left
- Circa 1928
- Unknown Photographer
- Originally published in "Waikato New Zealand" (1928)
- A provincial town in the Waikato region
- A population of approximately 7,000 in the 2013 Census
- Located at the northern base of the Pakaroa Range
- Morrinsville is around 33 kilometres east of Hamilton
- 22 kilometres west of Te Aroha
- The town is bordered by the Piako River to the east and the Waitakaruru Stream to the south.
Reference: Wikipedia
Image Capture: Apr 2019 ©2021 Google,175.5280624,3a,75y,67.93h,89.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-RkklPWgVxVsKtVZMdqKdQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656