New Zealand - Wellington
- Wellington from the sloped of Mount Victoria
- Wellington was made the seat of Government in June 1865, and although there was no marked progress for several years, improvement gradually took place with the opening up of the railways to the interior, and the increase of intercolonial shipping. About 1885 the city began to expand at a great rate, and the advancement has continued rapidly ever since. Extensive reclamation work was put in hand on the foreshore, and where this was done the chief business area of the city now stand. Being the political centre of the Dominion, Wellington contains the Houses of Parliament and the head office of the Government departments. Many commercial institutions, too, whose business is carried on throughout the Dominion, have their head offices there.
- 21/9/1928
- Unknown Photographer
- Originally published in "The Auckland Weekly News"
#336340 #336341