New Zealand - Off Kawau (1932)
Log of the Huia - Introduction
- Here is the story of the topsail schooner "Huia," a vessel which has become well known throughout the length of New Zealand and on the Australian coast from Cairns, south to Melbourne and Hobart, and “out West” to Fremantle.
- During her fifty odd years she has had in her crew men who now reside not only in Australasia, but as far afield as Great Britain. Others are sailing the seas in more modern vessels, but wherever they are, their days in the "Huia" are looked back upon with pride.
- Not only those who sailed in the schooner, but the many people who reside in the ports and on the rivers she has visited so often, will take a delight in reading this book and admiring the many fine photographs.
- In New Zealand the "Huia" is known to all who follow ships and the sea. Built of this country's best timbers, she still has ninety per cent. original material in her hull and, being fortunate in having generous owners, seldom loading deadweight cargoes, she has survived where others have broken up.
- A number of fast voyages, including some record passages, have brought fame to the "Huia," while for seaworthiness, carrying capacity and ease of handling, both under sail and power, she is all that is to be desired of such a vessel.
- Her first master, and owner for many years, Captain George McKenzie, considered the "Huia" as being perfect in her class, and always closely followed her career after she had been sold to the Nobel Explosive Company. The schooner has remained with that firm to this day and is still a sound vessel, capable of many more years of service.
- In compiling this story, the author has gone to immense trouble in obtaining information from innumerable sources, and has inter viewed many sailors and persons associated with the "Huia" from the days of her building to the present time, a task calling for great patience and some discrimination.
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