New Zealand - Auckland
- Browns Bay School
- Primer 2
- 1958
Browns Bay School
- Browns Bay School is a contributing primary (years 1-6) school with a roll of 630 students as at March 2021.[
- The school was established in 1888.
(Reference: Wikipedia)
Browns Bay, New Zealand
- Peter Brown, after whom the bay is named, bought 136 acres of bush and scrub there in 1876.
- He built his house on what is now the corner of Clyde Road and Anzac Road.
- This house was destroyed by fire in 1930. He also built a manager's residence in 1886 overlooking his land (now Freyberg Park) at 33 Glencoe Road.
- This house still exists and is believed to be the oldest existing house in East Coast Bays.
(Reference: Wikipedia)
Image source: Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections F0075