New Zealand - Upper Hutt
- Upper Hutt College
- 4L2
- 1967
- Revelle Jackson photo
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Upper Hutt College
- The school opened in 1962 as the city's second state secondary school, supplementing Heretaunga College in Wallaceville
- The students are arbitrarily divided into four houses, each which have received their name from a famous New Zealander as voted by the student body in 2004. The houses are:
Blake (Sir Peter Blake)
Hillary (Sir Edmund Hillary)
Jackson (Sir Peter Jackson)
Te Kanawa (Dame Kiri Te Kanawa)
- Upper Hutt College started encouraging students to bring their own devices to school in 2015, when student Wi-Fi was set up
Image source: Upper Hutt College 1967; form 4L2 by Revelle Jackson under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 New Zealand License