New Zealand - New Plymouth
- New Plymouth Boys High School
- Blue House Group 4
- 1978
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New Plymouth Boys High School
- Established 1882
- The school currently caters for approximately 1300 students, including 210 boarders
- Huia Ropū (formerly called Groups) is a class attended by all students on Tuesdays and Wednesdays before first period (between 8:35am and 9:00am). In the class, students learn about a variety of topics, including time management, mindfulness, anti-bullying, goal setting and career path planning, among others
- New Plymouth Boys' High also had their own radio station named "Gully FM" (however this is discontinued), as the school's "Gully Grounds" (the terrace-style rugby field of Boys' High) are a major part of New Plymouth Boys' High
- New Plymouth Boys' High School and New Plymouth Girls' High School are the only New Zealand schools to take part in the Foundation for International Space Education's United Space School