New Zealand - Cambridge
- Leamington School
- School Council
- 1974
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Leamington School
- The school was opened 12 October 1880 with 46 pupils and Mr H Hyatt teacher
- The school Jubilee gates were built to celebrate the 50th anniversary in 1930
-1948 was a disastrous year which saw Leamington School completely destroyed by fire in the early hours of 10 August. Classes were then held in the Leamington Hall
-A contract was let to SPND Ltd to build five new classrooms, a sick bay, staff room, cloak bays and coal burning central heating and these were opened in February 1950
- To mark the occasion of the 100th Jubilee there was a competition to create a motto and crest for the school. In 1978 the children submitted entries for a motto – and the winner was Karl Koberstein with ‘Strive and Achieve’.
- Cambridge is a town in the Waipa District of the Waikato Region of the North Island of New Zealand.
- Prior to the arrival of Europeans there were a number of Maori pā in the vicinity of what would become Cambridge. In the 1850s missionaries and farmers from Britain settled in the area and introduced modern farming practices to local Maori, helping them set up two flour mills and importing grinding wheels from England and France.
- The European town of Cambridge was established when the 3rd Regiment of the Waikato Militia were settled there in 1864 following the Invasion of the Waikato. The town was named after Prince George, Duke of Cambridge, the Commander-in-Chief of the British Army at the time.