New Zealand - Masterton
- Wairarapa College
- 6/2
- 1971
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Wairarapa College
- Wairarapa College was founded in 1937 following the decision to merge Wairarapa High School and the Masterton Technical School, and the new college opened in 1938 on the High School site with 521 students
- As the post-WWII baby boom picked up, Wairarapa College began to overcrowd, and with the movement away from district high schools to separate full high schools, two new secondary schools, Tararua College in Pahiatua and Kuranui College in Greytown opened in 1960 to replace the district high schools and to relieve pressure on Wairarapa College
- However, as the baby boom generation moved through secondary school, Wairarapa College soon became overcrowded again. Originally it was planned to split Wairarapa College into two single-sex schools on the same site, but this was later dropped and in 1968, Makora College opened on the east side of Masterton to relieve the school roll
- In June 2002, an arson attack on the school destroyed several classrooms and caused $1 million in property damage