New Zealand - Petone
- Petone Central School
- Form 1
- 1974
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- Petone is a large suburb of Lower Hutt, in the Wellington Region.
- The name, from the Māori Pito-one, means "end of the sand beach".
- Petone was first settled by Europeans in 1840, making it one of the oldest settlements in the Wellington Region. It became a borough in 1888.
- For much of the 20th century, Petone was a thriving, largely working-class town and the location of several large industrial sites, including two car assembly plants, a meat processing plant, a wool processing plant, a tobacco processing plant, a soap factory and a toothpaste factory.
- The majority of these closed in the 1970s and 1980s, resulting in gradual economic decline.
- Petone Borough amalgamated with Lower Hutt as a result of the local government reform in 1989.
(Reference; Wikipedia)