New Zealand - Auckland
- Papakura High School
- 6D
- 1974
Photo Courtesy of Cathy Ahuriri
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Papakura High School
- The school was established in 1954
- The school is organised into three whānau: Kirikiri, Te Apārangi, and Otuuwairoa
- The three whānaus were named after historic places in the Papakura area, which are locations of importance within the rohe of the local iwi. These three whānau replaced the school's old house structure at the beginning of the 2017 school year.
- Also in 2017, the school changed its school motto to Kia Rangatira. This whakataukī (Māori maxim) signifies a call to the young to step up as leaders. In Māori culture, it is a challenge to take on a chiefly demeanour in behaviour and attitudes, rangatira meaning high ranking, chiefly, noble, esteemed, in te reo