New Zealand - Auckland
- Waiheke Area School
- Standard 1 & 2
- 1978
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Waiheke High School
- Waiheke District High School opened on February 1954
- A classroom was first established in Hartley’s Hall at Onetangi, with many subjects taken through the correspondence school. The beach was the playground and sports field, and recorder classes were held in a bus shelter nearby. Cookery and home craft classes were held in the Power Board building at Ostend, woodwork at Ostend school, and lifesaving at the Ostend wharf. As numbers grew the Onetangi Community Hall was used as a classroom, spreading the school out further.
- In 1957 the school moved to its present site at Donald Bruce Road, where £37,000 had been spent building four and a half classrooms, a sealed assembly area, and court
- In 1985, it became obvious that there were sufficient secondary students to justify the established of a Form 1 to Form 7 school. After negotiations with the Educations Department, the Auckland Education Board, the N.Z.E.I., the P.P.T.A., and public meetings, the people of Waiheke chose to have a separate High School and Primary School. Waiheke High School opened on February 3rd 1986