New Zealand - Te Kauwhata
- Te Kauwhata College
- Staff
- 1979
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Te Kauwhata
- A small town in the north of the Waikato region
- Te Kauwhata may translate as "the empty storehouse", possibly referring to food storehouses in the original ancient Māori settlement. Te Kauwhata can also translate as "the spiritual medium" or "the frame"
- The original name of the research farm and railway station was Wairangi, changed to Waerenga in 1897
- The name Te Kauwhata was used for the settlement from 1910
- Te Kauwhata lies at the centre of one of New Zealand's smaller wine-producing regions, which stretches from Pukekohe, just south of Auckland, across to Thames and Paeroa at the foot of the Coromandel Peninsula. The region is particularly notable for its Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay and Sauvignon blanc wines