New Zealand - Dunedin
- King's High School
- Form 4WD
- 1979
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King's High Scool
- King's High School is a state single-sex boys' secondary school in Dunedin, New Zealand
- It is located at the southern end of the city close to the boundary between the suburbs of South Dunedin, St. Clair and Forbury, next to the parallel single-sex girls' school, Queen's High School.
- Both schools share several facilities, including the multimillion-dollar Performing Arts Centre which opened in 2006.
- The school first opened in 1936
- King's High School was re-built across almost a decade in the mid-1990s. The school has separate sports facilities, a purpose-built catering suite and performing arts centre. The school also has a camp and classroom off-site in Warrington, north of Dunedin, which students in year nine visit for their school camp #dunedin #school #1979