New Zealand - Ashburton
- Ashburton Intermediate School
- 1981
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Ashburton Intermediate
- Ashburton Intermediate opened in 1974 on the site of the former Ashburton High School
- The roll was generated by the decapitation of Year Seven and Eight students from Allenton, Hampstead, Netherby, Ashburton Borough, Tinwald, Eiffleton, Chertsey, Fairton and Flemington schools
- The roll peaked at 650 students but has reduced over time with changes to the structure of education in Mid-Canterbury in general
- A large town in the Canterbury Region
- 85 kilometres south west of Christchurch
- Ashburton township has a population of 19,600, with an additional 15,200 living in the wider district.
- The town is the 27th largest urban area in New Zealand
- Named by the surveyor Captain Joseph Thomas of the New Zealand Land Association
- "Ashvegas", Ashburton's common nickname, is an ironic allusion to Las Vegas.
(Reference: Wikipedia)