New Zealand - West Coast
- Buller High School
- Form 6E Noonan
- 1983
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Buller High School
- The school was founded in 1922
- As well as students from Westport, the school has a large number of students from nearby towns that do not have high schools of their own, such as Waimangaroa, Granity, and Seddonville
- School Motto is "Tibi seris, tibi metis" (As you sow, so you shall reap)
- A town in the West Coast region
- On the northern bank and at the mouth of the Buller River
- Close by the prominent headland of Cape Foulwind
- The town is thought to have been named after Westport, County Mayo in Ireland
- The choice of name was no doubt also guided by the town's location
- The population of the Westport urban area was 4,035 in the 2013 census
Reference: Wikipedia