New Zealand - Hamilton
- Hamilton Boys' High School
- Form 7SE
- 1986
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Hamilton Boys' High School
- The largest secondary school in the Waikato regionoarding Hostel, Sonninghill, which caters for 130 girls
- The school was established as Hamilton High School in 1911 but was later split into separate boys' and girls' schools Hamilton Girls' High School, with the current school opened in February 1955
- The school crest features a lion, sash and star, and bears the motto "Sapiens Fortunam Fingit Sibi" which translates to "a wise man carves his own fortune".
- The school colours are black and red
- In 1999, the school appointed Susan Hassall to head the school. In doing so the school became one of the first boys' schools in New Zealand to appoint a female headmaster
- Around 130 boys are housed in an onsite boarding hostel, Argyle House, which forms one of the six houses into which the school is divided