New Zealand - Alexandra
- Dunstan High School
- 5TA
- 1987
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Dunstan High School
- Dunstan High School is a state secondary school located in Alexandra
- Dunstan High School also runs the Tititea Outdoor Education Centre, which is located in the old homestead in the East Matukituki Valley on the outskirts of the Mount Aspiring National Park
- A town in the Central Otago district
- Located on the banks of the Clutha River
- At the time of the 2013 census, the permanent population was 4,800
- The town was founded during the Central Otago goldrush in the 1860s
- Named after Alexandra of Denmark by John Aitken Connell who surveyed the town
- Known to miners of the day by several names: the "Lower Township", the "Junction Township", and "Manuherikia"