New Zealand - Dunedin
- Kaikorai Valley College
- 4P
- 1986
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Kaikorai Valley College
- Initially starting as Kaikorai Valley High School in 1958, the school combined with Kenmure Intermediate School in 1996 to become Kaikorai Valley College
- The college has approximately 65 international students, and has sister school relationships with Sakuragaoka High School, Kun-ei Girls High School and Myojo Gakuen in Japan; Po Leung Kuk Ngan Po Ling College in Hong Kong; and Harbin Number 13 Middle School in China.
- The school has its own radio show on Otago Access Radio
- Pupils of Kaikorai Valley College use the adjacent Kaikorai Stream for outdoor education, studying water quality and flow, learning fly fishing and monitoring waste water