New Zealand - Auckland
- Westlake Girls High School
- Form 6 McB
- 1984
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Westlake Girls High School
- The school has its origin in 1958, when it opened as a co-ed institution. In 1962 Westlake Girls' and Westlake Boys High School emerged as separate schools, though they maintain relations
- Physically merely a few hundred metres apart, Westlake Girls and Westlake Boys engage in an annual theatrical production together, several joint musical ensembles (including a joint choir, two orchestras, a concert band and a jazz band), and some social dances, among other things. The two schools share a motto – Virtute Experiamur (Let Courage Be Thy Test).
- The school is divided into five house groups: Akoranga (black), Hauraki (yellow), Onewa (red), Pupuke (blue) and Wairau (green)