New Zealand - Hokitika
- Westland High School
- Form 1G
- 1985
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Westland High School
- Previously Hokitika High School or Hokitika District High School
- Established 1891
- A small town in the West Coast region
- 40 kilometres south of Greymouth
- Close to the mouth of the Hokitika River
- Founded on gold mining in 1864, it was a centre of the West Coast Gold Rush.
- By late 1866, it was one of New Zealand's most populous centres.
- On 16 September 1867, there were 41 vessels alongside the wharf at Hokitika, in some places three and four deep.
- In 1867, the port of Hokitika ranked first in New Zealand in both the number of vessels entered inwards and in the total value of exports; principally gold.
(Reference: Wikipedia)