New Zealand - Putāruru
- Putāruru High School
- Form 3LH
- 1985
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Putāruru College
- Putāruru College opened at the beginning of 2004 after a
review of education in the Putāruru district
- With the town’s population declining it was decided to merge Putāruru High School and Putāruru Intermediate schools to create one school which would cater for the learning needs of students from Year 7 through to Year 13.
- Putāruru High School had operated on this site since relocation in 1947 from the Library in town.
- 1961, catering for the needs of high school students, while Putāruru Intermediate had been based across town for Year 7 and 8 students since 1976
- Putāruru is a small town in the South Waikato District and the Waikato region of New Zealand's North Island.
- It lies on the western side of the Mamaku Ranges and in the upper basin of the Waihou River.
- It is on the Oraka Stream 65 kilometres south-east of Hamilton. State Highway 1 and the Kinleith Branch railway run through the town.
(Reference: Wikipedia)