New Zealand - Waipukurau
- Central Hawkes Bay College
- Form 5TG
- 1988
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Central Hawkes Bay College
- The school was established in 1959 from Waipawa and Waipukurau District High Schools
- The largest town in the Central Hawke's Bay District
- Located on the banks of the Tukituki River
- 7 kilometres south of Waipawa and 50 kilometres southwest of Hastings
- Central Hawkes Bay, where the town is located was settled by Te Aitanga a Whatonga, the descendants of Whatonga, grandson of Toi Kairakau.
- In December 1850 Donald McLean and his party of Land Commissioners meet with the Central Hawkes Bay tribes to discuss purchasing a large block of land for European settlement.
(Reference: Wikipedia)