New Zealand - Wellington
- Naenae College
- Form 6W
- 1981
Naenae College
- The school was opened in 1953 to serve the Naenae state housing development, although the school is located in the suburb of Avalon
- Naenae College was a prototype for a standardised building design to be used at other new secondary schools across New Zealand. The school was built with long two-story wings of classrooms facing onto corridors, constructed with reinforced concrete on the first level and timber above that. However, construction of the so-called "Naenae type school" was too slow and expensive for a large scale building programme, and subsequently the Naenae type was largely replaced with a single-storey all-timber version known as the "Henderson type school"
- Naenae College does not operate an enrolment scheme, so the school is open to enrolment from any eligible student