New Zealand - Tauranga
- Te Puna Primary School
- J2
- 1986
Photo Courtesy of Roselle Entwistle
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Te Puna
- A rural community near Tauranga
- It is located on State Highway 2, north of Bethlehem and south of Katikati.
- The local Te Puna Quarry has been redeveloped by volunteers into a park.
- Te Puna has three marae belonging to the Ngāti Ranginui hapū of Pirirākau: Paparoa Marae and Werahiko meeting house, Poutūterangi Marae and Takurua meeting house, and Tutereinga Marae and meeting house.
- Politician Todd Muller was raised in Te Puna in the 1970s, where his parents started a kiwifruit orchard.
- He attended Te Puna Primary School.
- He entered Parliament at the 2014 general election as the MP for Bay of Plenty, and was National Party leader and the Leader of the Opposition from 22 May to 14 July 2020.
(Reference: Wikipedia)