New Zealand - Blenheim
- Richmond View School
- Room 2
- 1981
Back Row: Nikki VanBuuren, Naomi Gee, Leoni McLaughlan, Cherie Terrill
Middle Row: Miss Gifford, Paul Jones, Timothy Porter, Vaughn Judkins, Adam McKubrie, Hayden Lawrence, Robin Kaye, Myles Benseman, Andrew Ricketts, Kerry Woodhouse, Mrs Helman
Front Row: Miranda Bryce, Miriam Gilsennan, Miranda Fielding, Lisa Briden, Anita Bilby, Kieran Phillps, Rachael Brown, Penny Brown, Natasha Ricketts
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Notes on Blenheim
- Blenheim is the most populous town in the region of Marlborough, the surrounding area is well known as the centre of New Zealand's wine industry.
- Blenheim is named after the Battle of Blenheim (1704), where troops led by John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough defeated a combined French and Bavarian force.
- The area is home to the first serious clash of arms between Māori and the British settlers after the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. The Wairau Affray which occurred in what is now the village of Tuamarina.
- The settlement was originally known to Europeans as The Beaver or Beaverton due to its frequent flooding.