New Zealand - Masterton
- Solway College
- Form 4
- 1985
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Solway College
- Solway College is a girls' boarding school in Masterton
- It is an integrated school for girls from Year 7 to Year 13 (Forms 1 to 7) with a limited number of day girl places.
- The College was founded in 1916
- In its early years the school was beset with a succession of illnesses amongst both students and staff. The sweeping influenza epidemic claimed the loss of one child in 1919, with mumps and measles spreading the following year. 1925 brought an infantile paralysis outbreak, and the rural location of the school did not protect it from scarlet fever as it swept through New Zealand in the late 1920s. In many cases, the school was quarantined for lengthy periods, when neither staff nor students could leave
- In 1978, Solway College became one of the first girls' boarding colleges to become integrated under the government's Private Schools Conditional Integration Act (1975)